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Darkened Daydreams
Darkened Daydreams
About Me
Location: Valorn
Zodiac Sign: Rogue
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Ratted and smudged with ink and dirt, the leathery cover seemed uncared for to an extreme level, until one opened it to find crisp, clean pages dotted with sketches and poetry.
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Sunday, 26 June 2011
[COLOR=purple]I'd always wondered about Low's ring, but I never had the nerve to ask him about it. I'd never heard mention of his bondmate before, but today I walked into the tavern and heard him talking about it... She disappeared two days after their bonding and he hasn't seen her since... Poor Low! It's pathetic, we really don't talk all that much but he's still one of my best friends... He's waiting for her, it's sweet, but I can't imagine how painful it must be. I brought him some Pirate Ale to try and cheer him up. He put on a brave smile for me, but I saw through it.... I hope he keeps holding up. Perhaps I'll just keep bringing him his Pirate Ale, it seems to be a small pleasure for him.

I've been slightly lacking as of late in my appearances and training, I took some days to rest and regain my composure... In those few days Dregar moved on and started dating someone, apparently he didn't know if I would be coming back... It was only a few days! Ah well, so long as he is happy! As he told me, I helped him learn to love again, and I couldn't be happier knowing that I could help. Besides, Laura seems nice!

Time to move on... I should concentrate on my training anyways. Still waiting for the guildmembers of The Vanguard to decide on if to accept me or not.[/COLOR]
Poene posted @ 23:19 - Link - comments
Saturday, 11 June 2011
[COLOR=blue]I finally did it, I made it to the Temple and became a Rogue today!
Luna was my sponsor, as planned, though I can never thank Lowrenzo enough for being so kind to offer to be such for me as well. Dregar gave me a set of Falchions a while back, but Luna has provided me with another set today as a gift... I think I will use one Falchion from each of them, then save the other two as a backup set or give them to the next Rogue hopeful I meet. It seems only fair!
Dregar presented me with my first chest to open. I was excited to get to open it for him, and he was blessed enough to find his second Scepter of Morning Light! I understand these are very valuable, so he was very lucky! I've opened the sewer grate twice so far, once for Dregar and once for a young Initiate. I couldn't be more excited with how I can help people! Joyfire presented me with my very own Left Handed Dagger and a few lockpicks, such a sweetheart!

I regret to inform that I have yet to see Lowrenzo. He, Luna, and Kabs have been my mentors in the Rogue-ish ways thus far, and Luna and Kabs have been around to see me... I sent Low a note with the good news, but I was hoping to see him in person. Ah well, I'll see him eventually! Dregar has been contemplating guilds for a few weeks, and I think he has chosen the Vanguard... That is Kabs guild, Joyfire and Low are in it as well... It is also one of the only two guilds that have had a member actively ask me to join. Luna welcomed me and Dregar into her guild if we ever so chose, and Lowrenzo actively sought me out to praise my hard work and invite me to the Vanguard. I couldn't be more honored by these invitations. I love Luna, Luca and they're guild, they're all so warm and inviting, but I so far am leaning towards the Vanguard... Whichever I choose, I know I can be proud of the guild I'll become a part of.

Kabs warned me not to use a shield anymore, lest I embarass Low and force him to walk around with a bag on his head again. I thought it would be amusing to see him run into things, so I was sorely disappointed to hear that he was smart enough to remember to cut eyeholes in the bag. Phooey![/COLOR]
Poene posted @ 00:15 - Link - comments
Wednesday, 01 June 2011
[COLOR=orange]I have had my second offer for sponsorship, and my first guild invitation... As the first to offer, Luna Wolftear gets dibs on sponsoring me if she wishes, but now that he has asked, Lowrenzo has second run at it.

He's in a guild called The Vanguard. It seems like a decent guild, and one of the leaders must have talked to him because she approached me to introduce herself... They're both very kind, and a third member asked me about my tattoos! I spend part of the evening with him, learning more about the guild to see if it is something I would be interested in joining.

He said he has had an eye on me.... Something which confused me at first, I see no reason for anyone to show interest in me in any way.
I asked why, and he said it was because I was nice and kind to him, and because I was around a lot.... Not a slouch, as he put it! It almost made me laugh, but I didn't... I can hardly contain my excitement at my first guild invitation, not to mention my second sponsor offer. It feels good, knowing that they approve of how I've been doing.[/COLOR]
Poene posted @ 22:56 - Link - comments